Author Archives: escooterfix

How do I ensure proper electric scooter battery maintenance?

How do I ensure proper electric scooter battery maintenance?

Thanks to your scooter battery, you have the power necessary to use it, so it’s a very important part that you know is there, but have you wondered how to look after it? In this post by Escooterfix , a company specialising in electric scooters, we’re going to tell you about the maintenance your battery […]

Electric scooter riding tips

Electric scooter riding tips

You’ve probably already decided to get an electric scooter, or maybe you’re thinking of getting one. But there’s one thing that bothers you: you’ve never ridden one and are a bit uneasy at the idea. In this post by Escooterfix , a company specialising in electric scooters, we’d like to offer you some electric scooter […]